Mary Koch

Membership and Communications Manager

Mary brings her experience in education, information management, and information technology to HTRS. For more than 20 years, she used her communication skills and problem-solving abilities while working alongside colleagues to achieve organizational goals and impact lives. Highlights of her career include time in the financial services industry, teaching kindergarten and first grade, working as a school librarian, and helping a wide variety of freelance clients with their research and content needs. She's excited to be working with HTRS and hopes to put her talents to use in new ways.

Mary grew up in the city of Milwaukee and still lives in the area. She's an avid reader who has been in the same book club for over 15 years. When she’s not reading or researching her family’s history, you might find her taking a walk on one of the neighborhood trails, heading out to take photographs, or sitting on the beach on a warm summer day.